A Music Lesson Gift (Digital Download)


The children at the ICC and mobile projects are taught how to play musical instruments including keyboards and recorders - usually for the first time in their life. They also learn how to sing. The music lessons are taught by Simeon from Music Heals. Music is a great way for the children to learn new skills and a chance for them to heal after the traumas of the street. The gift of music will pay towards instruments and other costs associated with their music lessons.

The gift of music is perfect for any of your family or friends who are music lovers. Hit the right note and purchase the gift of music now.

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One of the girls who best encapsulates the healing power of music is Adamma. Adamma is one of the young women Laughter Africa has supported to leave the streets… and has found her way to Sierra Leone stardom!

At 14 she lived on the streets for two years as her father had severe mental health issues and couldn't look after her. Adamma’s mother had abandoned her at a very young age. But Adamma is a tough cookie and she never gave up on her dreams.

Singing is her passion. She’s wowed crowds at birthday parties, schools, the stadium and she even featured on Laughter Africa’s single “Street Pikin Dem.”

Adamma can also act! She stars as the daughter in a Sierra Leone comedy ‘Family Issue.’ You can watch it on their YouTube channel here if you fancy a giggle. Sierra Leone comedy is hilarious.

Adamma recently graduated from a make-up course and received first place! She is now making money with her own make-up business and creates tie dye hats, t-shirts and socks. Adamma is now training the girls staying in the ICC different beauty tips, such as eyelashes and nails, as part of their skills training sessions.

That’s not enough for Adamma. She sat her WASCE University Entrance exams and got a fantastic mark.

Laughter Africa is so proud of Adamma, and all the young women we support. She is a shining example why the gift of music is so important to our young people!  

To see an interview with Adamma, please watch a documentary all about the work of Laughter Africa here.